Friday, July 29, 2011

Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

My name is Cipriano. No, no...not "CHIP - Ree - Ah - No"... like the restaurant in NYC (well, Cipriani's; it's close enough)...but Cipriano, "Sip - Ree - Ah - No"...Cipriano. There, you did it!! You know, when my son was born a nurse came into the room at one point during our four day stay and in conversation asked his name. I told her -- Cipriano. She said, "What? How do you spell that?" I told her. She said, "You know,  in Italy they'd pronounce it 'Chip - riano." I reminded her we were still in New Jersey. Yes, maybe I was a teeny, tiny bit snooty but hey, I was cooped up in that hospital room for four days on barely any sleep with no sense of time or grasp of the outside world. It was like being in Atlantic City or Vegas, someone could drop you in the middle of a casino and you'd have absolutely no idea what time of day it is or what was happening beyond it's walls. Plus, the instant that kid arrives, you immediately begin to protect them, defend them & realize you'd really do just about anything for them. Anyway...

I am a photographer. I grew up with cameras in my hand. Still cameras, camcorders; you name it. At one point as a young teenager (about 14) I had a sweetest bedroom setup on my block. I bought a cheap sound mixer from Radioshak for my birthday. I had two CD players and a record turntable hooked into it. So I could basically have 3 songs going at once and mix them like a DJ. I also had a TV hooked to it. I would edit my movies and use the mixer to overlay music or even my own voice. I remember one night I had taken footage of my Mom, Dad & Brother. Then, we sat in my room doing voiceovers. So, then end video had my Dad talking with my voice coming out of his mouth, my mom with my brother's voice and so on and so forth. It's what I did. Take pictures - either still or moving.

Life made sense to me through a lens and at a young age. Why, no clue. Maybe because I could control it all and in real life you can't. Whatever the case I fell in love. But, for some reason, it was just something I did, but not as a career. I thought you had to work a 9 - 5 and play it safe and do things a certain way. But a few years ago, in my early twenties, I was sick of doing that. I wanted to do what I wanted to do. I wanted to do what I love. My worst fear is sitting with my wife when we're old and shriveled and questioning why I just played it safe and never took any chances my entire life. I fear that, seriously. I will do anything to not let it happen.

So, not long ago I just DID IT. I started Cipriano Photography ( and never looked back. What do I shoot you ask, well, I'm a lifestyle photographer I shoot anything and everything. My focus, and majority of my clients, are Maternity, Newborn, Kids & Family Portraits. No, not portraits like you take in the mall for $10 while sitting on a white cloth. I shoot all over. At your house, beach house, park, city, country, rooftops - everywhere.

A few things before I go to sleep, because I need it...bad. To anyone who received my oversized postcard you immediately get 10% of your total cost, as long as you book in the month of AUGUST.

A couple other things (links) to check out...first and foremost click HERE to visit my main website. Then see below:

Why Custom Photography?

Facebook ( Friend me then find my Cipriano Photography page and LIKE ME! )

I'll leave you all with this, I'm an artist and photography is my art form. I love it with a passion and don't know what I'd do without it. I love to work with people and families and all walks of life...that being said, I have the best clients in the world. If you decide to book a session with me, great...fantastic...can't wait to meet and work with you and your family. If not, no sweat, we can still be friends :) I do book very quickly however, so hop on it if your interested. I only have limited availability left in August.

'til next time...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Last Minute Shoot | Bridgewater NJ Child Photographer

In talking with a few old friends of mine, we'll call them Harry & Sally, Sally mentioned casually that she was taking the kids to the mall for a photo shoot. To me, those words sound like nails on a chalkboard.
      "Wait, wait're going to do what!?!?"

I couldn't let this happen. So I explained to Sally I was a photographer and what type of photography I do. I told her to get her kids in some cool clothes and meet me in her backyard in five. I went to grab my camera.
Now, under normal circumstances, it usually works like this. A client will contact me and book a photo session. Then, we'll schedule a consultation (either in person or on the phone) and we'll discuss the shoot. Talk about their kid(s), what they like to do, what the 'vision' is for the shoot, etc. Obviously, in this case there was no time. No time to plan. No time to get the cliff notes on the kids...NADA. For a minute I felt like I was back in college again and I had a 10 page paper due the next day on a topic that I knew nothing about. But hey, I was good under pressure then and I still am now. I walked around their house for a few minutes to see if I could find some cool props and/or something to work with. They had some cool stuff - thankfully.
So, for the next hour or so, I basically just ran around and played with the kids, talked with the parents and just tried to integrate myself into their family to make every thing seem normal and to keep the kids acting normal as if I wasn't there. Got some cool stuff...check out the website for more!